I have been trying to simplify my life by going through all cabinets, drawers, and closets to declutter and organize. I have totally reorganized my craft room so that it is easier to access all of my craft items when I am creating. I also went through all of my books and have set aside a bunch to sell at a yard sale that my community does in the Spring. I took 3 huge bags of clothes to Goodwill a few weeks ago. Now I am working on my kitchen and already have 3 bins full of stuff that I will probably also sell at the yard sale. I am only half way done. I also did this to my jewelry a month ago and have a bunch of things to sell also. I am working on better ways to organize the things that I am keeping. I started this last year and went through everything. It is amazing that as I do it again this year, I am finding so much more to get rid of. I would have thought that I was done from last year when I got rid of a ton of stuff. I am really looking forward to getting this all done.
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12 years ago
Cute card! I also need to use more of my scraps! I have been on an organizing kick, too. It's amazing the things we have that we don't really 'need' around. Our garage is on the list to do now, I DREAD that one!!!