Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Update on my surgery

I am just updating my many friends here on the foot surgery that I had the Wednesday before Christmas.  I went to the doctor today and the pathology report came back clear - YIPPEE!!!!  The bandages came off today and I can gradually, over the next four days, get back to starting to walk, shower, wear a tennis shoe, etc.  This is gradual though, so I cannot push it!  I have been on the couch/bed for two weeks so I really want to just RUN!!!!!  But cannot do that, nor does my foot want to do that!  LOL!

Okay, I will show you the scary part now.

Funny thing is, my foot is actually smaller now than it was before the surgery - a little hard to tell because there is still some swelling - but my doctor had to take so much unviable tissue out that my foot is actually smaller now than my other one.  I do not care - as long as the pain is gone, the tumor is gone, and I can walk!!!!

Hugs, Meg

1 comment:

  1. This looks very Painful Meg.. Lucky I have already had breakfast..LOL..Hopefully it will improve with time..Hugs Loz..
